How to Help
Become a Volunteer Ombudsman Representative!
The Ombudsman Program is looking for volunteers. We are dedicated to protecting the dignity and rights of elders and persons with disabilities statewide.
Ombudsman Volunteer Visitors are trained to listen to the concerns and problems of long-term care residents. Key volunteer qualities include compassion, respect, and common sense. A positive attitude, ability to communicate effectively, and available time are important.
All volunteers receive initial and ongoing training. With additional training, Certified Volunteer Ombudsmen help residents by investigating and working to resolve concerns. Volunteers Needed – click here
Click here to request information on becoming a volunteer.
Get Involved in Advocacy!
Consider these organizations, for starters:
Click here for advocacy resources information.
Contribute to Our Work!
Contribute to the Barbara Fraser Legacy of Learning Fund
Established in 2002 to honor the legacy of Barbara Fraser, an extraordinary teacher and compassionate advocate for elders, this Fund promotes professional development and public education through the sponsorship of educational events and guest speakers with expertise and influence in the fields of aging and long-term care.
Her concern for residents of long-term care facilities brought Barbara to the Georgia Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program in the mid-1980s. For more than 15 years she served with distinction in various roles. Her passion for learning and her innovative training techniques made Barbara an exceptional teacher. Her caring spirit and tireless advocacy for the rights of residents made Barbara a role model and mentor for scores of volunteer and staff ombudsmen throughout Georgia.
Your contributions to help continue Barbara’s work may be made to:
Barbara Fraser Legacy of Learning Fund
Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman
47 Trinity Ave., SW
1st Floor, Room 1136
Atlanta, GA 30334
Contribute to the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Trust Fund
Contributions to this Fund support the work of the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman and / or its Advisory Council. They may be made to:
Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman
47 Trinity Ave., SW
1st Floor, Room 1136
Atlanta, GA 30334